


Studio Lovecraft Tattoo Emporium
Seattle: 535 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Reception Desk:
(909) 430-1400

Contact Deweymonn:

Invoice Number Dewey-0038
Invoice Date April 28, 2022
Due Date September 8, 2022
Total Due $0.00
Jaiden Duckworth


Artist: David
Tattoo: 9 baby tailed beasts

Right leg/calf and thigh, each one 4" x 4", color TBD?

Artist estimates 3 sessions, doing 3 tailed beasts per session with maybe some background depending on client preference.
$450 due to book all sessions, $150 per.
Additional due at session 1: $774.84
Additional due at session 2: $774.84
Additional due at session 3: $774.84

"I want each of the individual tailed beasts as babies going up the side of my right leg in order. They can each be 3x3 or 4x4. I may have to only start with a couple depending on price as I’d also have to travel to you. But I LOVE your work!"

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
3 David's Day Rate
1 Sales Tax

Required by the State of Washington for tattoos

Sub Total $2,642.40
Transaction Fee $132.12
Paid -$2,774.52
Total Due $0.00