


Studio Lovecraft Tattoo Emporium
Seattle: 535 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Reception Desk:
(909) 430-1400

Contact Deweymonn:

Invoice Number Dewey-0600
Invoice Date June 28, 2024
Due Date December 21, 2024
Total Due $0.00
Adam Wohrle


Artist estimates 2 sessions to complete tattoo. $150 deposit due to book each session, $300 due to book all sessions. (Paid)
Remaining balance due at session 1: $1007.63
Remaining balance due at session 1: $1007.62

Details: Looking to get your interpretation of Hapatra Vizier of Poisons MTG artwork tattooed on either left or right ribs. I'm leaning towards my left ribs over my right. Would like to include cobras carrying Hapatra on her golden throne. Will be near Seattle from August to October potentially later so hopefully there are some dates available that would work best. Weekends work best

On the side

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2 David's Day Rate
1 Sales Tax (Day Rate)

Required by the state of Washington for Tattoos and Piercings

Sub Total $2,205.00
Transaction Fee $110.25
Paid -$2,315.25
Total Due $0.00