


Studio Lovecraft Tattoo Emporium
Seattle: 535 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Reception Desk:
(909) 430-1400

Contact Deweymonn:

Invoice Number Dewey-0117
Invoice Date August 10, 2022
Due Date October 4, 2022
Total Due $0.00
Andrea Loy


Booking Location: Seattle

Size: 8 x 2

Color: Color

Style: Anime, Mixed Media

Placement: Above buttocks (tramp stamp)

Title: Necromorph

Details: Hello! I’d like a necromorph (from Dead Space) tramp stamp. I want the guy with all the teeth but also a tongue kind of curled out of it and then have the upper half of the face like the bottom right necromorph in the first attachment. I want slight tentacles coming around the arms of the necro morph since i want its arms extended (the one with the spears coming out of its hands) I’m more than happy to send more photos and explain more but I couldn’t attach more than two photos. I want the tentacles to slightly wrap around the extended arms. I want the necromorph to be slightly bloody too. I guessed on the width and height since I’m not entirely sure how large a tramp stamp is inch wise

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 David's Day Rate
1 Sales Tax

Required by the State of Washington for tattoos

Sub Total $880.80
Transaction Fee $44.04
Paid -$924.84
Total Due $0.00