


Studio Lovecraft Tattoo Emporium
Seattle: 535 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Reception Desk:
(909) 430-1400

Contact Deweymonn:

Invoice Number Dewey-0052
Invoice Date May 24, 2022
Due Date August 5, 2022
Total Due $0.00
Marcus Berley

(206) 698-2350

Artist: David
Tattoo: Rod of Asclepius

Shoulder blade, 3" x 5", color

"Rod of Ascelpius, an image representing the healer. A vibrant, deep blue snake wrapped around a gleaming bronze pole. The pole is shining, glowing, stable, the snake is active, dynamic, colorful, in motion. On my left shoulder blade. It's a version of the yin/yang, in that it is the combo of stability with dynamic change. My first tattoo, open to suggestions from the tattoo artist."

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 David's Day Rate
1 Sales Tax

Required by the State of Washington for tattoos

Sub Total $880.80
Transaction Fee $44.04
Paid -$924.84
Total Due $0.00