


Studio Lovecraft Tattoo Emporium
Seattle: 535 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Reception Desk:
(909) 430-1400

Contact Deweymonn:

Invoice Number Dewey-0223
Invoice Date January 12, 2023
Total Due $1,156.05
Jonathan Duckworth


Booking Location: Seattle

Size: 6 x 12

Color: Color

Style: Anime

Placement: left forearm

Title: BOLD BRIGHT COLORFUL!!!! Ryuko Matoi from kill la kill, in either a combat action scene, or post battle victory pose.

Details: BIg fan of the show, this is a dream piece, so quality is important. It will be the start of my sleeve. Color is super important, as the rest of the arm will be anime, movies, and video games. I am always open to artist's ideas.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 David's Day Rate
1 Sales Tax (Day Rate)

Required by the State of Washington for tattoos

Sub Total $1,101.00
Transaction Fee $55.05
Total Due $1,156.05